What Does Sound Look Like?

Postovao Paradox
You can actually see sound waves as they travel through the air thanks to a clever photographic trick. tumblr.com/follow/skunkbear skunkbear.tumblr.com Twitter: @cadamole @nprscience Produced by Adam Cole Hands shot by Meg Vogel Schlieren images provided by Mike Hargather (http://infohost.nmt.edu/~mjh/people.html) Amber Kates Bobby Gold J. W. Tang, A. Nicolle and J. Pantelic MUSIC: "Eileen" by Lee Rosevere http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Lee_Rosevere/Music_for_MOBA/LeeRosevere_MOBA_09-Eileen
Objavljeno 01. март 2015.
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